Hard vs. Soft Contact Lenses

New to contact lenses, or curious about the jargon that your optometrist uses to discuss your prescription? In this blog we explain the differences between the two varieties and why they remain equally viable options for contact wearers.

Technology Has Come A Long Way since the early days of contact lenses in the 1970s. Since then, hard and soft contact lenses have improved in quality due to the refinement of materials used to make them. Generally speaking, ‘hard contacts’ take their name because of the manner by which the polymer lenses retain their shape on the eye. Soft contacts, on the other hand, are made of a flexible plastic that changes shape.

Better Optics vs. Comfort: As there’s yet to be a contact lens invented that seamlessly brings the best of both varieties together, contact wearers and their optometrists will compare the benefits and drawbacks of each type of lens and find a match that best suits specific needs. Some contact wearers will even alternate between hard and soft contacts according to their lifestyle and the amount of hours they plan to wear them.

Quality is Improving for Both types of contact lenses. The popularity of soft contacts, when they first hit the market, was due to the comfortable shape. As the flexibility and breathability of hard lenses’ improves, their comfort improves, and many people still believe that the optic quality of hard lenses weighs out any other reason not to wear them.

If you’re not sure which type of contact lense is best for your lifestyle, why not speak to your optometrist about trying both? Especially if you’re a first-time wearer, having the option to switch back and forth may improve your introduction to the world of freedom contact lenses offer. Arrange an appointment with us today for your switch from glasses to contacts at 403-333-3353!

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