Is Your Child Having a Hard Time Focusing in Class Before you start to worry about issues like ADHD, hearing difficulties, or dyslexia, consider the fact that a child may just be having issues seeing a classroom board or overhead projector. When a child cannot express their difficulties learning in a classroom, it can make a lot of parents to fear the worst. With a routine eye exam there's no need to worry!
Blue Light: The fact that children get more exposure to technology in the classroom than ever before is exciting. What hasn't necessarily caught up with the technology is built-in eye protection to facilitate long days of looking at a screen. Some software like f.lux for macOS can protect your family from the blue light of a home computer, but good luck trying to convince the school principal to get on board with the same idea! Luckily, at Doig Optometry we can add blue light protection to any glasses, so whether or not your child does need a prescription, you can get a pair of glasses with the sole purpose of protecting your child from the screen light of phones, tablets, and computers.
Make an eye test part of your yearly back-to-school routine. We’re located at 102, 8210 MacLeod Trail, right in the Heritage Professional Centre. You can easily schedule appointments with your kids as you’re out to buy back-to-school clothes and supplies. See you soon!