Are All Progressive Lens Brands the Same?

When you need a new vehicle, you instinctively know whether you need a small, fuel efficient car that’s easy to park, a heavy duty pick up truck, or a roomy people mover.  You may even know which brand of vehicle you can trust most in each category.   Too bad it’s not so easy to know which progressive lens brand will work best for you. There are over 100 free form progressive lens brands on the market in Calgary, and each of them work a little differently. That’s where the caring and knowledgeable optometrists and staff at Calgary’s Doig Optometry can help you.

We have partnered with the seven foremost Progressive Lens Suppliers in Canada to provide you with the progressive lens brands that work best for you. This is because everyone’s vision is a little different, so what they need from their glasses is going to be different too. One supplier might have a progressive lens brand that works great for farsighted patients. Another supplier will have a lens that works best for near sighted patients or for addressing the complex magnification effects caused by astigmatism. A third supplier may specialize in a progressive lens that works best for computer users. Golfers, on the other hand, might need a completely different progressive lens designed by yet another manufacturer. Patients with high prescriptions will want to know which supplier has the progressive lens that’s thinnest in their prescription. And other patients need a progressive lens optimized for general purpose in a wide variety of settings. Finally, there are brands that can be completely customized for the patient. Being able to source progressive lenses from all these various manufacturers allows our patients at Doig Optometry to receive the very best lens for their unique vision requirements.

Thanks to computers that can perform the complex calculations, and thanks to computer assisted manufacturing techniques that can actually make such complex lens designs, Progressive Lenses have been getting better and better over the last two decades. Along the way, they’ve become more specialized in what they do. So the task and the challenge for every Calgary optometrist is to get to know our patient’s vision and lifestyle needs. We can then recommend the Progressive Lens brand that’s best suited to you, so you have clear, comfortable, natural vision.

Doig Optometry is just over one year old now. When we opened in October 2016, we coined the phrase, “Patient Care Priority®” to guide us as we create exceptional eyewear for our patients. One of the core philosophies of our Patient Care Priority® is to give our patients wonderful eyewear experiences in their progressive lenses. The goal is for every patient to be able to say, as one patient did recently:

“Dr. Doig, I have to tell you how happy I am with my new progressive glasses. I can see far for driving as best as ever, and I can see my computer monitor, and I can read again. What’s even better, my eyes don’t have to get used to my progressive lenses… I just look, and I can see what I need to see. Thank you Dr. Doig!”

Which Progressive Lens brand did we prescribe for that patient? The one that works best for him! Can we prescribe the same one for you? Certainly, but if there is another brand more likely to give you the same sort of exceptional progressive lens experience, then that’s the brand we will recommend for you. Remember that just because it’s the right brand for him, doesn’t mean it’s the best one for you — and that’s what we’re here to find out.

The expert Calgary optometrists at Doig Optometry strive to take every detail into consideration as we create the perfect progressive lenses for you. No family of camping enthusiasts is going to cram everything they need for 7 people into a smartcar, and just like you don’t want to be stuck with a car that’s not built for your lifestyle, you shouldn’t have to rely on glasses that just aren’t made with you in mind either. If you’re tired of fighting with your vision and want a pair of glasses that makes sight feel sharp and natural again, you’ve come to the right place! Schedule an appointment at Doig Optometry today, and we’ll create custom lenses as unique as your eyes! Call us at (403) 333-3353

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